Who is involved?

Who is involved?

Many strategies developed for dealing with bullying focus exclusively on those who bully and those who are targeted. In reality, there are other parties who are affected by this difficult experience and who influence the outcome of the situation. Understanding this phenomenon requires us to consider all parties involved in a bullying situation and their role.

I can blame one student in my class who targeted me. And I can also thank another student who defended me. Thanks to her I’m free.
-Student, 11th grade

Success Story

I remember how my brother was bullied in elementary school. He limped and had vision problems. He was smaller than other children his age. I did everything I could to ignore his problems. I even told people I wasn’t related to him. I feel bad about that. Now that I understand better what I did, I really regret it. That’s why I decided to set up a club at my school with some other students and teachers. The club is for people who want to stand up for others, but who need a little help to do it. It’s called "Captains of Courage." Today, our club has 18 members and it’s considered "cool" to be a Captain!