STEP 1: Set the Scene

How can we make positive and lasting change?

SCENARIO: Student 1 is Muslim and wears the Hijab. She begins the year with excellent grades and a happy demeanour. As the year progresses, she becomes increasingly withdrawn and her grades decline. One day you are walking through the lunchroom and you notice her sitting at a table looking frightened and frozen, and several male students are surrounding her at the table, laughing out loud.

You see Student 2 sitting at another table, watching the scene, looking unhappy and anxious. Following meetings with various students, you understand that there is a widespread problem of sexualized, racialized and religious bullying targeting female students, not only among the students in this class, but also among students in other classes and grade levels.

1You report the problem to the principal, aware that the school has a bullying intervention and prevention plan. The principal thanks you, and together you discuss the procedures and strategies described in the plan as well as their implementation. The principal, with your collaboration, activates the appropriate steps to ensure that the female students are safe and supported.

Aware that the issue is more widespread, the principal notes that training and consultation are called for under these circumstances. The principal calls a staff meeting for the teachers of the grade level involved. This group decides to invite an expert in to talk to students of the grade level involved about the impact of bullying, and to organize some additional training for all teachers.

2You report the problem to the principal, aware that the school has a bullying intervention and prevention plan. The principal thanks you, and together you discuss the procedures and strategies described in the plan as well as their implementation. The principal, with your collaboration, activates the appropriate steps to ensure that the female students are safe and supported.

Aware that the issue is more widespread, the principal notes that training and consultation are called for under these circumstances. The principal calls a staff meeting with the appropriate committee(s), and the group develops a training plan for the upcoming school year, within which experts will provide student and staff training in various fields, such as bullying, sexual assault, gender equity, racism and other forms of discrimination and exclusion, and human rights. The School Council is also approached in order to devise a training plan that will include parents and guardians in the process.

3You intervene immediately, offering support to Students 1 and 2 and telling the boys who are involved to cease bullying the female students. You report the problem to the principal, who examines the prevention plan, activating the appropriate steps to ensure that the female students are safe and supported. The parents of Student 1 are contacted.

Explanation of the recommended response.