How can we recognize bullying? 1. Name the key factor that distinguishes conflict from bullying. 2. Choose the words or phrases in the following list that are associated with conflict. Powerlessness Inevitable Natural Cruel Equal power Normal Fear Shame Resolve Constructive Prevent 3. Which of the following sentences represent likely outcomes resulting from the use of a conflict resolution strategy to deal with a bullying situation? (Please choose all the sentences that apply.) One student beats up another to punish them for what they said. All parties involved in the bullying situation are able to freely express their emotions. The student who was targeted by bullying increasingly withdraws and is more often absent from school. The witnesses and the student who was targeted are even more afraid to break the code of silence. The student who bullied takes responsibility for their actions and gains a better understanding of their consequences for the person they targeted. Bullying continues and worsens unbeknownst to school staff members. 4. Please indicate whether the following statement is true or false. Student 1 attacks Student 2 after school and beats him up. The previous week, Student 2 had beaten up Student 1. Through discussions with Student 1, a teacher learns that he had been harassed for months and threatened with violence by Student 2. In this situation, conflict resolution strategies are not appropriate. q4a True False 5. Give three examples of appropriate uses of conflict resolution strategies you have observed in your school. (If you're a human, don't change the following field) Enter your name Your first name. Please enable Javascript to use this form. (If you're a human, don't change the following field) Enter your name Your first name. Please enable Javascript to use this form. (If you're a human, don't change the following field) Enter your name Your first name. Please enable Javascript to use this form.